Modi took to his X social media platform on Tuesday night to express satisfaction over his encounter with Pezeshkian and wrote in Farsi the full range of discussion on bilateral relations between the two countries.
"I had a very good meeting with Iranian President, Mr. Masoud Pezeshkian. We examined the full range of relations between our two countries”, Modi said his X message that he posted with his pictures with the Iranian president.
“We also discussed (in this meeting) ways to deepen relations in very advanced and modern sectors”, Modi added in his message.
Iran and India, as two countries with rich and ancient cultures and civilizations, have had close and friendly relations throughout history. Last year, India hailed Iran’s official entry into 10 member BRICS bloc.
Iran will likely use the BRICS summit as an opportunity to pursue more trade and financial partnerships with its allies, as a part of the country’s “Look to the East” policy.