Tehran, IRNA - Ma Xiaolin, Director of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies at Zhejiang International Studies University in China, has characterized four significant legacies of the late Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in the political arenas of the Middle East.

Regarding the assassination of Nasrallah in a terrorist attack in the Dahieh region of Beirut by the Zionist regime, Ma Xiaolin posted on his Chinese Phoenix social media account on Sunday that the Western experts considered the 64-year-old Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to be "the beating heart of Hezbollah".

Nasrallah led the Resistance group for 32 years, transforming it into a non-state actor with significant and well-equipped military and political capabilities, he said, adding that some political experts believe that Nasrallah dedicated his entire family to Hezbollah and the resistance against Israel.

Ma Xiaolin also mentioned the four legacies left by Nasrallah in the political arenas of the Middle East.

In 2000, under Nasrallah's leadership, the Hezbollah resistance group forced Israel to end the 18-year illegal occupation of southern Lebanon and somehow restored the unity of national sovereignty and territorial integrity to Lebanon, although parts such as the Shebaa Farms remained under Israeli control, the Chinese expert said.

In 2006, Nasrallah accompanied members of the Hezbollah resistance group in a guerrilla war in the mountainous areas of southern Lebanon, severely damaging the Israeli army, forcing Tel Aviv to accept a cease-fire and stop airstrikes on Lebanon's civilian infrastructure and facilities, he added.

After 2011, Nasrallah expanded Hezbollah's influence beyond Lebanon to effectively combat the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist group, playing a significant role in thwarting Western and Arab attempts to overthrow the Syrian government, Ma Xiaolin further noted.

Additionally, the Hezbollah secretary-general had been on Israel's terror list since 1992, demonstrating his skill in surviving for three decades despite the constant threat of death, the Chinese expert added.

On Friday, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the support of the United States ordered the assassination of the Hezbollah chief from the podium of the United Nations headquarters in New York.

Soon after his order while addressing the UN General Assembly, the regime's warplanes repeatedly struck the residential areas in the Dahieh region of Beirut and dropped 2,000 pounds of American mortar bombs there, causing extensive damage and deaths, including the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

After serving the resistance movement for thirty-two years as the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Nasrallah at the age of 64 achieved his long-time cherished dream of martyrdom.
