In an interview with reporters on Monday, Tajani revealed the content of his phone call with Iran's Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani and said that Tehran insists on its right to react to the assassination of Haniyeh, the Hamas chief and Fuad Shukr, one of the top commanders of Lebanon's Hezbollah.
I had a half-hour phone call with Iran's foreign minister, and emphasized the need for caution, Tajani said, adding that “there was a decisive position in the response of the Iranian minister who insisted on the right to respond to the attack on Iranian soil”.
Tajani said he emphasized that stability in the Middle East is essential for everyone and hoped that his request for restraint will be heard.
On Monday, the Italian Foreign Minister also wrote on the X social network about his phone call with Bagheri and said that he had asked for restraint and a constructive approach and avoid reactions that could fuel the conflict in the region and jeopardize the work on the Gaza ceasefire.
Sacrificing the lives of innocent civilians is enough, Tajani also wrote with reference to the Israeli bloodshed in Gaza.
His reactions came as the leader of Italy along with American, British, French and German issued a joint statement om Monday, reaffirming their support for the Zionist regime in case of retaliatory Iranian attacks, in yet another attempt by the five countries to put a blind eye to Israeli crimes in the region in defiance of international laws and the UN charter.