Zahedan, IRNA – Iranian security forces have arrested a group of terrorists linked to the Jaish al-Zulm terror outfit in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan.

According to IRNA's Monday evening report, four members of the terrorist group were taken into custody in Qadir Abad (Jaro) village of Khash while transporting explosives there.

During this anti-terror operation, seven Kalashnikov, three American M4 weapons, three RPG missiles, four wireless devices and related ammunition were discovered and confiscated before any destructive action.

Last month, a police commander in the same province informed about the arrest of 6 members, including two from same terrorist group.

Eight members of a terrorist group were also nabbed in Sistan and Baluchestan on the eve of the country’s presidential election.

Security and police personnel in the province often conduct operations in the border areas to foil terror plot and capture arms and drugs smuggled by terrorist and other groups.