According to IRNA's Monday morning report, UNRWA Chief Philipe Lazzarini also wrote on his X user: “Every other day, Israeli authorities issue these orders forcing people to flee, creating havoc plus panic”.
He added: "Quite often, people just have a few hours to pack whatever they can & start all over again, mostly on foot or on a crowded donkey cart for those who can afford it”.
Almost everyone in Gaza has been impacted by these orders. Many were forced to flee on average once a month since the war began nine months ago, he said in his post, adding that “people continue to search for safety: the most precious, the most nonexistent. This evacuation tactic only brings more misery, fear and suffering for people who have nothing to do with this war”.
Stating that almost all residents of Gaza have been affected by these orders and many of them have been forced to move at least once a month since the beginning of the war in Gaza, Lazzarini said: "A man told the UNRWA teams recently that he was forced to flee twice within 10 hours”.
Meanwhile, a Geneva-based rights group says Israel’s evacuation orders and forced displacement of Palestinians all over Gaza amount to war crime and crime against humanity.
In a statement, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said that two million Gazans have been forcibly displaced from their homes, most of them multiple times. The group accused Israel of forcing Palestinians to live in inhumane conditions on the streets and in tents while the regime continues its land, air and sea assault.