Tehran, IRNA – The Yemeni Armed forces targeted the Transworld Navigator ship on June 23, showcasing their domestically developed "Toophan al-Mudammer" unmanned surface vehicle (USV) for the first time.

The spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, has announced the unveiling of a new boat equipped with advanced technology and significant destructive capabilities, as reported by IRNA and citing Yemen's Al-Masirah news network on Sunday.

Brigadier General Saree confirmed in a social media post that military media would release footage of this boat targeting a ship on Sunday afternoon.

Discussing the specifications of the USV, the homegrown unmanned drone boat enjoys significant destructive power and is equipped with a warhead weighing between 1000 – 1500 kg, as reported by the Beirut-based Al Mayadeen news network, citing the Yemeni Military Media.

The report emphasized that the "Toophan al-Mudammer" is outfitted with sophisticated technology, featuring both manual and remote control options.

The Yemeni Military Media stated that the USV can reach speeds of 45 nautical miles per hour and is operational in all maritime conditions.

UKMTO reports of fresh security incident in Red Sea

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations reported on Sunday that it has received a new report of an incident in the Red Sea, 13 nautical miles from the port of Mokha, off the coast of Yemen.

Since October 7, when the Israeli regime began waging a genocidal war against the Gaza Strip, Yemeni forces have staged numerous operations targeting Israeli ships or those heading towards ports in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The Israeli war has so far claimed the lives of more than 37,800 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured over 86,800 others.

The Yemeni forces have vowed to continue their strikes as long as the Israeli regime sustains its brutal military onslaught and simultaneous siege against Gaza.
