The director general of consular affairs of Iran's foreign ministry Alireza Mahmoudi said in an interview on Thursday that it is the Iranians’ inalienable right to take part in the elections related to the Islamic Republic.
This is a entirely consular matter, he said, adding that the issue should not be politicized.
Ballot boxes for Iran's presidential elections will be available on the border between Canada and the United States following a coordination with Iran's interest section in Washington after Canada refused to allow Iranian nationals residing in that country to partake in the event within its territory, he said.
Iran’s election for its next president will take place a year early, on June 28, after President Ebrahim Raisi lost his life in a helicopter crash 40 days ago.
Polling stations will be available in countries such as Germany, Iraq, the US, and the UK, Mahmoudi said.
Iranian voters can attend elections in neighboring Iraq, where 24 ballot boxes will be available in six polling stations, he stated.
The official said that Iran and Saudi Arabia are negotiating to pave the ground for Iranians who are currently making Hajj pilgrimage in the Arab country.
The diplomatic efforts have not been effective so far, he further pointed out.