According to IRNA's Monday morning report, Khalid Al-Yaqoubi, in a message on the X social network said that Tracey Ann Jacobson’s comments during her Senate hearing were inappropriate for her diplomatic role.
"We listened to the hearing of the nominee for the position of US Ambassador to Iraq, and it showed a clear lack of understanding of the new, recovering Iraq, with interference in its internal affairs and offense to its neighbors," Al-Yaqoubi stated on X.
He added that Jacobson should be aware that some of her words did not align with the responsibilities of her prospective position and that her mission should adhere strictly to international agreements and treaties.
Jacobson is facing criticism since she told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that she would stop the influence of Iraqi groups, which she claimed are affiliated with Iran.
She also said that she will be committed to using all available political means to limit Iran's influence in the region, claiming Iran is engaged in destabilizing activities and that resistance groups pose a substantial risk to Iraq's stability.
Earlier, Sheikh Ali al-Asadi, the head of Iraq’s resistance movement, Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba also warned Jacobson in a message on X over her remarks.