Moscow, IRNA – An exhibition of paintings and sculptures of Russian artist Sergey Feofanov, inspired by the characters of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh, was opened in the theater hall of the School of Dramatic Arts in Moscow.

Some 30 paintings and 40 sculptures, inspired by the Shahnameh and the myths of this magnificent work of the Persian language, were displayed at the exhibition.

Iran’s cultural attaché in Moscow, Masoud Ahmadvand, speaking at the opening ceremony of this exhibition titled “Eastern Wind”, appreciated the cooperation of the Russian side in holding this cultural event, saying that Feofanov has been a pioneer in introducing Iranian art and culture to others.

He added that the remarkable thing in Feofanov’s works is that the lofty concepts of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh are mixed with today’s imagination to create these works.

Feofanov, for his part, said that he was fascinated by Iran’s culture, wonderful poets, miniature, and Ferdowsi and his work, the Shahnameh, and he has been treading this path for many years.

He continued: “Sometimes, I say to myself that there is enough work in this field, but I cannot separate myself from Iran’s culture and the Shahnameh.”
