Tehran, IRNA – Niger says the US will soon submit a proposal to "disengage" its soldiers from this African country.

According to AFP, Niger's Interior Minister General Mohamed Toumba met US Ambassador Kathleen FitzGibbon on Wednesday to discuss the withdrawal of US troops from Niger.

FitzGibbon told the minister that Washington had "taken note of the decision" by Niger to withdraw from the military agreement and would be "coming back with a plan" on the "methods for disengaging" the more than 1,000 US troops based in Niger, according to the ministry's statement.

Niger military spokesperson Colonel Amadou Abdramane said in a statement last week that the country had canceled a military agreement with the US that allowed the country to maintain a military presence on Niger soil.

In mid-March, Niger said that the 2012 cooperation agreement had been "unilaterally imposed" by Washington.

The US had deployed about 1,000 troops in Niger under the pretext of fighting terrorist organizations.
