New York, IRNA- Iran’s Vice President for Women and Family Affairs, Ensiyeh Khazali and Secretary General of the Family Affairs Council, Maymouna Bint Khalil Al Khalil have held talks on the sidelines of the 68th meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

According to the IRNA correspondent in New York, Khazali and Al Khalil discussed a wide range of issues, including those related to women in their countries and expressed their desire to expand relations.

In the meeting, Khazali referred to two main activities of her office for women and family affairs, including the creation of grounds and opportunities for the growth of women and the promotion of the family as well as the elimination of harm to women as among positive and constructive steps of the Iranian government.

Family counseling program for the first five years of marital life is being implemented in order to prevent the harm of divorce, she said, arguing that the rate of divorce is high in the first year of marriage and the counseling is free for all couples.

The Secretary General of Saudi Arabia's Family Affairs Council expressed her satisfaction with Iran's family counseling program. Al Khalil, however, pointed to the changing circumstances around the family domain.

In the past, couples could take advice from their families upon encountering a problem, but today, the fabric of society has changed despite the emerging social conditions, cultural interactions, virtual space, artificial intelligence, and new technologies, she noted.

Women are at work for a long time, and since the balance between work and family responsibilities is very important, it requires education and support from the government, Al Khalil emphasized.

In response to the Saudi official's question about childbearing facilities in Iran, Khazali said that maternity leave has been increased from 6 to 9 months with full pay, and two years of leave are for students during pregnancy.