Tehran, IRNA – A Belgian author and journalist says the Axis of Resistance has exposed the flimsy nature of the United States' military power and its empty threats against independent nations.

Michel Collon made the remarks in an interview with IRNA on Tuesday while attending the 24th Iran Media Expo in Tehran.

He said time was not on the side of the Zionist regime and the United States, adding that he believed the future belonged to the emerging economies and developing countries.

The media activist pointed to the power of social media and the Internet in getting the truth out during military conflicts.

He explained that people worldwide, even in the US and Europe, are rallying behind the Palestinian cause amid the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip thanks to the widespread access to the Internet.

Thousands of bloggers and social media activists who write about the oppression faced by the Palestinian people and reflect the news of Gaza changed the world's view of the war in Gaza, to the extent that even the court in The Hague also condemned Israel,” Collon said.

He also alluded to many past crimes by the US and its NATO allies in Afghanistan, Iraq and other warzones which have been exposed by bloggers and social media activists.

That is why, the Belgian journalist said, the US and other NATO powers have put in place censorship and filtering systems to restrict public access to social media platforms so that “resistance news and anti-Western bloggers are not visible to the audience.”
