US attacks on Syria and Iraq will not go unanswered. Just as the Yemeni resistance targets American ships in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab Strait to prevent the strengthening of the positions of the Zionist regime, the attacks of the resistance against the United States will continue until the withdrawal of the US forces from the region and the end of Israel’s aggression against Gaza and the West Bank.

US attacks on Syria and Iraq can be assessed from several perspectives. This action of the United States is an attack and aggression against two independent countries that are members of the United Nations and is a violation of the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of these two countries. It is necessary to remember that the US action is against international standards and norms and is considered illegitimate in international regulations. For this reason, it should be condemned by international organizations, especially the United Nations, and peace-loving countries of the world.

In addition, the recent US attacks on Syria and Iraq are taking place at a time when, according to a resolution passed by the Iraqi parliament, American forces must leave this country as soon as possible and end their occupation. In other words, the US presence in these two countries is illegal.

Another point is that the US action is precisely aimed at ending the isolation of the Zionist regime and diverting the world’s public opinion from the regime’s crimes and infanticide in Gaza and the West Bank. The recent US attacks are a serious move to strengthen the aggressive positions and human rights violations that are being carried out by the Israeli regime. Considering these points, it can be said that this approach shows that the US seeks to expand the war to keep Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in power and strengthen Zionist radicalism inside the occupied territories.

Another issue that should be considered in the meantime is that the American attacks on Iraq and Syria are aimed at strengthening terrorism, as they were carried out in coordination with the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist group, given that at the same time the American attacks occurred, Daesh also increased its attacks on Iraqi and Syrian positions. For this reason, the US action can be regarded as a move to strengthen terrorism, Daesh in particular. This is while the US claims to fight terrorism and justifies its presence in the region with such issues. But the recent action of this country proves the opposite of this claim.

The last point is that the US attacks on Syria and Iraq will not go unanswered. Just as the Yemeni resistance targets American ships in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab to prevent the strengthening of the positions of the Zionist regime, the attacks of the resistance against the United States will continue until the withdrawal of this regime from the region and the end of the Israeli regime’s aggression against Gaza and the West Bank. Therefore, the US attacks on Syria and Iraq will not only achieve nothing but will also bring regret to this country.