Tehran, Iran- Iraqi resistance forces have carried out yet another attack on an illegal US military base located in eastern Syria.

The Islamic Resistance, an umbrella group of several resistance factions, in a statement, took responsibility for targeting the American base with drone in the al-Omar oil field in Syria’s Deir ez-Zour province in the early hours of Monday. 

There was no immediate word on possible casualties or damage from the attack that was the second resistance strike on the base in a week. 

Resistance groups in Iraq have repeatedly hit US military bases and facilities inside Iraqi and cross the brooder in Syria with missiles and drones in recent months in retaliation for the Israeli regime’s genocide in Gaza.

On Saturday, the Islamic Resistance targeted four US bases in Syria namely Ain al-Asad, Harir, Kharab Al-Jeer and Koniko, in response to the US airstrikes on the two countries under the pretext of a deadly attack on an American base in Jordan just days ago.

Both Iraqi and Syrian governments condemned the US aggression against their territories. 

Resistance groups in Iraq and elsewhere are also outraged at the US military presence in the region, which they say is a source of instability, as well as Washington’s support for the Israeli regime in its ongoing war on Gaza.