Tehran, IRNA – The fifth and final court hearing in the trial process of Swedish National Johan Floderus over espionage charges against the Islamic Republic of Iran has been held in the capital Tehran.

The court convened on Monday when Judge Iman Afshari asked the lawyers of the defendant to make their final defenses of their client.

Floderus has been charged with “corruption on earth” through acting against Iranian security and territorial integrity in concert with the Zionist regime’s spy agencies.

Two lawyers of the defendant read out their defenses for their client, with one of them saying that they would offer a detailed letter of their defense to the court.  

The judge ruled that the lawyers should submit their letter of defense within a week.

Johan Floderus was arrested in April 2022 at Tehran airport. The Iranian Judiciary has said that he acted through US and European institutions to gather information for the Israeli regime. It has also said that the Swedish national traveled to different countries as well as the occupied Palestinian territories, and has been in Iranian border cities.
