Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has urged the Swedish government to adhere to its obligations stipulated in the Vienna Convention with regard to the protection of diplomatic missions and staffers in the country.

Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks following an illegal gathering outside the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Stockholm and the subsequent attack on one of the embassy employees.

The Iranian foreign minister assessed the situation in a telephone conversation with Mohammad Ahmadi, the temporary charge d'affaires of the country's embassy in the Swedish capital.

“Soon after the unlawful act outside the diplomatic mission, strong complaint, in Tehran and Stockholm, was transferred to the Swedish side, emphasizing the need to identify and punish the perpetrators”, Ahmadi told Amir-Abdollahian on the phone.

Further, Swedish officials in meetings and phone calls, including with the head of the department (deputy) of international affairs apologized for the incident and emphasized Sweden's commitment to maintaining and ensuring the security of the embassy and its employees in accordance with the Vienna Convention.

Officials also informed the Iranian embassy that Swedish police have detained 5 people in connection with the attack and that they will continue to pursue the issue until the perpetrators are convicted.

In the phone call, Amir-Abdollahian also talked to the embassy employee who was injured during the attack and wished him a speedy recovery.