New York, IRNA – Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amir Saeid Iravani has said that the Islamic Republic of Iran calls for the international community to condemn the Israeli regime's reckless and dangerous statements and to pressure the regime to fully cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and adheres to dismantle its nuclear weapons program.

Iravani said so in letters sent to Secretary-General of the UN Antonio Guterres and President of the Security Council of the UN Sérgio França Danese on Tuesday (November 7, 2023) local time.

Below is the full text of Iravani’s letter:

In the name of God, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful Excellency

I wish to draw the Security Council's attention to a matter of utmost concern: the threat to use nuclear weapons by the Israeli regime against the vulnerable and innocent civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip. The defenseless Palestinian people of Gaza, who have been subjected to persistent Israeli military aggression, horrible savage killings, atrocities, and collective punishment, all in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law, now face a nuclear threat from the lawless regime of Israel.

What has heightened our concern is an assertion made by Amichai Eliyahu, Israel's Heritage Minister, during a recent interview with Radio Kol Berama on November 5, 2023. When asked about the possibility of using nuclear weapons against the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, he replied, "That's one way."' It is deeply concerning to note that this is the second time in just two months that senior Israeli officials have resorted to the threat of using nuclear weapons. Before this, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Israeli regime, in his address on September 22, 2023, at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, made explicit threats regarding the use of nuclear weapons against Iran. (S/2023/697)

The use or even the mere threat of nuclear weapons, irrespective of the circumstances or the responsible party, constitutes a flagrant violation not only of international law but also of the fundamental principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter, especially Article 2(4). Furthermore, what makes this situation even more alarming is when such dire threats originate from the authorities of an occupying regime, which has displayed a consistent disregard for international humanitarian law and is continuing its unabated heinous crimes against the Palestinian people, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity and even using starvation as a method of warfare in the besieged Gaza Strip. Additionally, their refusal to heed the international community's widespread call for a ceasefire sends shockwaves throughout the global community.

The Islamic Republic of Iran calls for the international community to condemn the Israeli regime's reckless and dangerous statements and to apply pressure to ensure that Israel fully cooperates with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and adheres to its safeguards and verification procedures; dismantles its nuclear weapons program; and joins and fully implements all relevant international treaties and conventions on Weapons of Mass Destruction. I would be grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document of the Security Council. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
