Tehran, IRNA- The commander of the Iranian Army Aviation says the unit’s helicopter fleet has been equipped with long-range air-launched ballistic missiles.

Brigadier General Yousef Ghorbani made the announcement on Friday on the sidelines of large-scale military drills, codenamed Eghtedar (Authority) 1402, which began earlier in the day in central Iran.

The commander said the army's helicopter fleet is fully prepared to carry out its missions during the exercise.

“During this exercise, jamming systems, night vision capabilities, long-range missiles, and precision-guided munitions have been installed on the army aviation’s helicopters to enhance their combat capabilities,” he said.

Ghorbani pointed out that the Iranian Army Aviation has turned into “the undisputed helicopter power” in West Asia.

“Undoubtedly, the preparation of this large volume of various types of helicopters has been unprecedented to this date,” he added.
