The indictment has been sent to the court and a special branch has been established to handle the case, Gharibabadi said on Saturday, adding that the defendants have been informed via email, and public notices have been published in Iranian newspapers.
The court is expected to begin proceedings against MKO terrorists in accordance with criminal procedure rules in Iran in the near future, he said.
Pointing out that the MKO is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iranian citizens and that its members have killed innocent people in Iran, Gharibabadi said that MKO terrorists are at large in certain countries without authorities in those countries taking any action.
However, he welcomed crackdown on the terrorist group in certain countries and noted that some governments have realized that the group has a terrorist nature and have started to impose restrictions on the terrorists.
The official said Iran is not satisfied with the measures and expects the countries that host the MKO members to expel or prosecute them.