Major General Saad Maan, a ministry of interior official, announced the deployment of border guards in Sulaymaniyah province along the border with Iran.
He told the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) that the 21st Border Guard Brigade of Sulaymaniyah province in northern Iraq has been redeployed along the country's border with Iran.
He said that 50 concrete towers and 40 cameras have been installed, and construction of 47 border posts will soon begin on the Iraqi-Iranian border line.
The measures come after Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri warned that Iran would resume airstrikes against armed terrorist groups in northern Iraq unless Baghdad dealt with anti-Iran militants and secure the border regions.
The general said last week Iran would wait until September and hoped the Iraqi government would honor its commitments under a joint security agreement it signed with the Islamic Republic in March.