New York, IRNA – Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hossein Amirabdollahian has warned that terrorism and extremism are still the main challenges in the Middle East.

Amirabdollahian made the remarks in a meeting with Csaba Kőrösi, the president of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, on Tuesday.

The Iranian FM pointed to the fact that the Islamic Republic attaches great importance to the UN General Assembly, expressing hope that the current session will provide an opportunity to exchange views on international challenges concerning peace and security.

He further emphasized that the Middle East is still grappling with terrorism and extremism as the main challenge, which has been exacerbated following the developments in Afghanistan, adding that the country has turned into a source of concern among regional nations.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the top diplomat referred to Iran’s initiatives in containing dust storms, promoting neighboring states to cooperate in this respect, because it is a phenomenon, which threatens the health of millions of people. He also expressed hope that the UN General Assembly can highlight the dust storms as an international issue.

Kőrösi, for his part, welcomed Iran’s approach in this year’s session, hoping that the Islamic Republic can play a key role in promoting coordination among member states of the UNGA.

As to the incapability of the UN Security Council in reviewing many international issues, he emphasized that the member states of the UNGA expect the global entity to play a more active role, in particular, in dealing with security issues.

The president of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly also pointed to the international concern about water management and water shortages, expressing hope that Iran can have an active presence in the coming International Conference on Water Resources Management slated for March 2023.


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