Tehran, IRNA – Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Hossein Amirabdollahian has underlined that the Islamic Republic will never give up the inalienable rights of the great nation of Iran in the face of the puppetry played by the White House and the Zionist regime in the region.

Amirabdollahian tweeted on Friday: The Islamic Republic of Iran will continue its path towards enhancing steady economic development and honorable effort to lift sanctions by the use of power and reasoning.

“We will not fall short to pursue the inalienable rights of the great nation of Iran,” the top diplomat stressed.

“Reaching a good, powerful and stable agreement is our goal,” he wrote, adding, “Undoubtedly, the puppetry by the White House and Zionism in the region will make us more determined.”

The US president and Israeli premier signed a joint statement on their strategic partnership, which includes the United States’ official commitment to the region in particular concerning the regime’s constant allegation over preventing of the Islamic Republic from attaining atomic weapon.

In the joint statement, which was published by the White House’s official website on Thursday, Washington stressed on its steady abidance by maintaining and enhancing Tel Aviv’s capability in deterring its enemies and defending itself in the face of any threat or a combination of threats.

The anti-Iran statement also mentioned that the US underlines that one of the essentials of the commitment is complying with preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapon forever, and that the United States is prepared to utilize all elements of its national might to guarantee this matter.

In another part of the statement, Washington underscores the need for cooperation with other partners except the Zionist regime in order to stand against alleged hostile and destabilizing moves by the Islamic Republic, which claimed that are being implemented directly by Iran or indirectly by organizations such as Lebanese Hezbollah or Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

But in fact, the Islamic Republic of Iran has shown that the country tries to play a key role in maintaining regional peace and security as well as standing against the Zionist regime and the United States’ plots to destabilize the West Asia region.

The Iranian foreign minister’s tweet is a firm reaction to political puppetry of the US and the Zionist regime, who want to derail the talks in Vienna to lift anti-Iran sanctions and try to portray the Islamic Republic a weird actor in the region.


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