New York, IRNA – The Quds day is a reminder of the violation of international laws and Israeli atrocities against humanity, an American-Canadian author said.

Robert Fantina, an American-Canadian author, activist, and journalist, working for peace and social justice, said in an interview with IRNA on Friday that the Quds Day is an important event because it helps attract the world public opinion to the agony of the Palestinian people, illegal occupation and atrocities of Zionist occupiers.
The human rights researcher stipulated that the Quds Day is an opportunity for people around the world to show solidarity with Palestinians and highlight the everyday violation of international regulations, he noted.
The international community has refused to abide by its duty in supporting the oppressed nations except on a few occasions, and the negligence towards Palestinians was more obvious, he criticized.
The fact that certain Arab states have started normalizing ties with Israel, indicates that they attempt to marginalize Palestine’s cause, the author warned. 
The author has written several books on the United States’ foreign policy and militarism around the globe as well as the issue of Palestine. Some of his books are “Empire, Racism & Genocide: A History of U.S. Foreign Policy,” “Propaganda, Lies and False Flags: How the U.S. Justifies its Wars,” and “Desertion And the American Soldier.”
IRNA correspondent asked Fantina, what the importance of the International Quds Day is for the Palestinian cause?
Fantina: The important event urges public opinion to pay heed to the agony of the Palestinian people, the illegal occupation of their lands, and the atrocities committed by Israeli occupiers. The Zionist apartheid tries to prevent any international attention to the miserable condition of the Palestinian people, and that all states around the world should take action and impose sanctions on Israel the same way they stood against Russia.
IRNA: Has the normalization of ties with Israel emboldened the regime to intensify crackdown on Palestinians?
Fantina: Certain Arab states’ attempt to normalize ties with Israel translates into an effort to marginalize the Palestinian cause, but citizens of these Arab countries opposed the so-called normalization categorically.
IRNA: Do you think that the apartheid regime of Israel can survive without financial and military support by the United States?
Fantina: The apartheid regime of Israel has been created and maintained by the US’s money, while Americans have protested the increasing support by the US administration for Israel. Even some US congressmen opposed the continuation of financial support for the regime. However, the Zionist regime has acknowledged that they have lost the support of the Jewish community in the US. The human rights advocates in the United States will back candidates, who support international laws and human rights in the upcoming midterm congressional elections; so, in the eyes of American voters, a candidate, who refuses to support Palestinians, is considered a politician, who neglects international laws and human rights.


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