Tehran, IRNA - The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Saturday, April 16, 2022:


-- World Bank updates Iran’s economy growth for 2022

The World Bank has revised up its forecast for Iran’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2022, expecting the country’s economy to grow 3.7 percent this year.
The bank had previously estimated the Islamic Republic’s GDP growth at 2.4 percent for 2022, in its Global Economic Prospects (GEP) report released in January, according to worldbank.org.
“Iran’s economy continues its gradual recovery that started in mid-2020, driven by the oil sector and services. However, water and energy shortages led to a contraction of the agriculture and industry sectors,” the report said.

-- Iran tightens rules on carrying foreign cash

The Iranian government has issued new regulations governing the supply, possession and carrying of foreign cash as the country seeks to crack down on foreign currency trafficking amid sanctions that have hampered its access to the international banking system.
The new law will force everyone possessing foreign cash to declare it on an online exchange system run by the Central Bank of Iran (CBI).

-- Museum of nomads to be built in Ardebil Province

A project to establish a museum of nomads was launched in the city of Germi, northwestern province of Ardebil, said Nader Fallahi, director general of the province’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization.     
He added that the province’s first museum of the nomads will be constructed in the city’s permanent handicraft exhibition center, chtn.ir reported.   
The official stated that the establishment of the museum was among the main demands of local people, especially nomads, pointing out that the project was launched to praise the important role played by the nomadic groups in the long history of the region.


-- IRGC Seizes Ship With Smuggled Fuel in Persian Gulf

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) confiscated a vessel carrying thousands of liters of smuggled fuel in the Persian Gulf, the second such seizure in less than a week, an IRGC spokesman announced Friday.
Gholamhussein Husseini said that the ship, smuggling 250,000 liters of fuel, had been confiscated by the IRGC personnel of the naval zone. “During the seizure, seven of the ship’s crew members were detained and would remain in custody until the completion of investigation and the legal proceedings,” he said.

-- Karaj Attack Backlash: Enemies Checkmated

Iran has started making components for machines used to enrich uranium at a new workshop in Natanz, the UN atomic agency said in a report cited by Reuters Thursday.
The British news agency claimed that the new workshop raises questions about Iran’s plans for the manufacturing of advanced centrifuges - machines that produce enriched uranium much faster than the first-generation machines it was restricted to using for that purpose by its 2015 deal with major powers.

-- Tehran Condemns ‘Shameless’ Zionist Crimes

Iran said Friday the occupying regime of Israel is blatantly violating human rights principles and the international law through committing crimes in Al-Aqsa Mosque. Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh condemned the Zionists’ “shameless” acts of violence at holy sites in Palestine against the fasting people and worshipers at the mosque in the month of Ramadan. “Crimes of the Zionists against the oppressed Palestinian people show the deepening weakness of this occupying regime, which is only resorting to assaults on the defenseless worshipers to cover up its hollow power.”


-- Iranian photographers win awards at Naryn Intl. Exhibition of Photography

Iranian photographers have won awards in all six categories at the 3rd Naryn International Exhibition of Photography in Kirgizstan. Winners in the categories Open Monochrome, Open Color, Life Color, Creative Color, Photojournalism and Travel were announced by the organizers last week.

The exhibition is organized under the auspices of the Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA).

-- World Bank revises up Iran’s GDP forecast for 2022

In a report on Iran’s economy released earlier this month, the World Bank has revised up its forecast for Iran's gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2022, expecting the country’s economy to grow 3.7 percent this year.

The bank had previously estimated the Islamic Republic’s GDP growth at 2.4 percent for 2022, in its Global Economic Prospects (GEP) report released in January. “Iran’s economy continues its gradual recovery that started in mid-2020, driven by the oil sector and services. However, water and energy shortages led to a contraction of the agriculture and industry sectors,” the recent report said.

– Museum devoted to Ardabil nomads under construction

Construction work has commenced in the ancient town of Germi to establish a special anthropological museum dedicated to the rituals, arts, and the everyday life of tribespeople native to Ardabil province.

“The construction operation of the first nomadic museum of Ardabil province has begun in Germi.


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