Tehran, Dec 16, IRNA – Iranian movie “Blockage” directed by Mohsen Gharaie was nominated to receive 6 awards in Malaysia International Film Festival & Malaysia Golden Global Awards.

The movie narrates the story of a municipality agent called “Qasem” who is trying to improve his living conditions and he has some problems with his wife “Narges”.

Malaysia International Film Festival is an exhibition opened to public worldwide to participate whereas the Malaysia Golden Global Awards is an award night that will involve filmmakers from all around the world participate.

It is established in 2016 by a group of influential and outstanding individuals from Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong who aimed to provide opportunities and an accessible platform for movie producers at a local and international level to champion new creative talents. Malaysia International Film Festival and Malaysia Golden Global Awards is set to celebrate the best international & local films and to promote the unique of Malaysian arts and cultures to audiences worldwide. Above all, it would try to promote the Malaysian tourism industry.


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